Conditional Design
First activity we had done as a group of 4 was to each choose a colored pen (black, red, green, blue) and draw a line that must connect to 2 dots, the angle of the line must be within the following range: 0 to 45 degrees for black lines, 45 to 90 for red, 90 to 135 for the green and 135 to 180 for the blue. We had to draw the shortest possible line from our starting point, and if we enclose on an area we must then hatch it in with parallel lines.
Our second task as a group was to first start with a circle, and taking turns going around the outlines to create what seemed to be the perfect circle.
Our third task was to first convert our date of birth to roman numerals, from that we had to continually draw/write numerals as we go along without picking up the marker.
Our fourth task was to come up with a different way of presenting that data but using the same style of roman numerals, I came with the idea of using different cols to differentiate between the numbers.